Sunday, February 12, 2023

Date Setting - Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Tribulation - Rapture - Blessed Hope

Date Setting, some Thoughts and Theories ( as of 2023 )

 Rapture When Setting Date

WHEN might the Return of Christ be?
According to one popular theory, it could be very soon.

The 6 Days = 6,000 years theory
would have big things happening in the next 4 - 12 years.
Which would mean that soon,
we could be enjoying the 1,000 year reign of Christ,
with the Great Tribulation Period behind us.

But since this is only theorizing
based on a few scriptures
it could be quite wrong.
I'll provide a few details shortly.

First let us consider the fact that 
Similar mistakes of "calculation" have been made by 
MANY bible teachers over the centuries.
So, we must continue to study, 
pray for the Lord's guidance, 
and as we are encouraged to do so many times in scripture,
we need to remain alert.

First let's look at some of the well known Date Setters
 over past the 200 years:

We had the year 1844 date 
taught by William Miller ( which was called the Millerite movement )
and this date is still part of the Seventh Day Adventist teaching.
Since Jesus did NOT come back at the predicted time,
they have a new "meaning" for the 1844 date.
The "calculation" comes from a reference in Daniel 8:14 
"For 2,300 evenings and mornings then the holy place will be cleansed". 

They added 2,300 years 
to the date of 457 BC 
Which is the date they use for 
The Decree of Artaxerxes I to rebuild Jerusalem.

Many would disagree with that being the actual year of the Decree. 
I'll have more on that in a future post, 
as 445 BC 
and 454 BC 
are alternative dates others have come up with.
The exact year is critical to understanding the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy.

Some other Popular - End / Return predictions
( from the recent past ) 
Included the dates 1914 and 1925.

These years were preached as possible dates for the return of Christ,
 by early leaders of the Watch Tower Soceity 
( aka Jehovah's Witnesses ). 

1914 was preached by Charles Taze Russell,
who calculated from the year 607 BC 
( his date for the destruction of Jerusalem )
and adding 2520 years.
Using a lot of imagination to connect passages in Daniel and Revelation.
In Daniel 4:10-16 we find "Let seven times pass over it".
And in Revelation 12:6, and verse 14 
that indicates that three and a half times
equals 1,260 days,
He then somehow connected the two passage,
and claimed it meant it would be twice as long,
2 times the 3 1/2, which was 1,260
results in the 7  
or 2,520 days. 
And then converting those DAYS to YEARS ... again,
Counting forward 2,520 years from the 607 B.C. destruction of Jerusalem.
You end up at 1914.

How he came up with this theory or why people accepted it is beyond me.

Note: The "destruction" of Jerusalem likely occurred around 587 B.C.,
not 607 B.C.
The first deportation likely occurred about that time ( 607 B.C. ).
And it is this first deportation when Daniel and others were taken to Bablyon,
but the city and temple stood for many more years 
( about 20 more years ).

Seems there is a lot of debate on actual dates for various historical events.
This can make the whole "date setting" process a bit unreliable.
It you don't know when to Start counting, 
you can not accurately determine the End Date.
Even if your theory is accurate.

Getting back to this Date Setting theory,
We find Joseph Franklin Rutherford 
( the 2nd President of the Watch Tower Society ) 
preaching his "recalculation" 
to point to 1925 
as a more correct date.
And he was proclaiming that 
the resurrection of many Old Testament Saints was about to occur,
and a new age was about to begin on the Earth. 
When 1925 came and pasted, 
many stopped attending the Bible Studies held by the Watch Tower Society.

More RECENTLY we have had many preachers using their interpretation
 of the parable of the Fig Tree 
and Christ's statement that 
"this generation shall not pass away 
until all theses things be fulfilled",

To "Calculate" 
the Rapture or Return of Christ 
using CURRENT Events in Israel.

Chuck Smith ( well know as a founder of the Calvary Chapel movement ),
was pretty sure that 1981 was going to be the year of the Rapture,
and that 1988 was the year of the return of Jesus Christ
to rule and reign on earth.
He based this on the assumption that 1948 
( the rebirth of the nation of Israel )
and a 40 year "generation" 
was how one could "know" 
.... by observing the "signs".

In the 1980s,
Someone wrote
"88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will  Be in 1988".
I have not seen a copy,
but I'm thinking those 88 reasons were not accurate.

Many preachers have used this same parable since then.
But of course they would come up with a different start date
( like 1967 when Israel took full control of Jerusalem )
by making the "generation" 80 years instead of 40 years.
Oh my.. that would be the year 2028.

But let's not get too excite, 
as this is only a theory derived from a parable.
And nowhere in scripture
is the restoration of the nation of Israel
listed as a "sign" we are to be watching or waiting for.
It is just an interesting developement, 
and not a fulfillment of any specific prophecy in scripture.

So, the question remains,
Can we KNOW when Jesus Christ is going to Return?

I'm sure you have heard it taught,
that when it comes to the Return of Jesus Christ,
that we can 

The main verse used to support this would be:

Matthew 24:36 which states
 "no man knows the day or the hour".

But I find a lot of scriptures telling us to 
"Be Alert" and "Awake".
Basically "looking" for signs 
that the return is about to occur.

My favorite passage on this is  
First Thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 1 - 11.

Especially Verse 4 which says,

"But you, brethren
are not in darkness
that the day would overtake you
like a thief;"

This makes me believe that 
while the actual day and hour may be unknowable,
that during the end times,
For those paying attention,
His arrival will not be a surprise.
As believers see the two witnesses spoken of in Revelation chapter 11
the beast and his false prophet controlling the majority of the people on the planet.
And of course the persecuting of the true Christians
who do not accept the mark of the beast. 

I think it will be pretty clear ( THEN ),
that Christ's return is SOON to occur.

I believe that once the 3 1/2 years ( not 7 years ) 
of the Great Tribulation period begins
and we are STILL HERE, 
because the Rapture does not occur 
until the End of the Great Tribulation,
at that time,
We will plainly understand what is happening,
while the majority of those on earth are blind to the truth, 
and are falling for Satan's lies.

We read in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 11,

"For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence 
so that they will believe what is false,"

Date Setting is something we should AVOID,
At least until one finds one's self 
IN the Tribulation Period.

Once you KNOW it has Begun,
you can start counting down when Jesus Christ is likely to Return.

This is because the bible tells us in several places that this period lasts 
approximately 3 1/2 years, or 1,260 or 1,290 days.

* For more on that, 
Or Video version,

But before we are truly "IN IT", 
we are likely to be wrong 
if we try to predict exactly 
WHEN the return of Jesus Christ is going to occur 
( ie Setting a Date ).

Here is a recent example from a contemporary teacher / author on End Times. 
I read his book many years ago, 
and received his email newsletters for over a decade.

From Tim McHyde's,
List of Prerequisites to Jesus' Return,
we find a "DATE" he "SET" based on a dream.


Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 
War - Damascus Destroyed/Second Holocaust — 
Rather than the Rapture, the next event in prophecy is a swift nuclear war in the Middle East between Israel and many of her Arab/Islamic neighbors
The outcome of this war will be the destruction of Damascus (Isa 17:1) and several other major Arab cities and regions, 
If you are wondering when this will happen, 

* However,
Tim died in early 2022 of cancer, 
and the War he was predicting 
did NOT happen ( at least not "yet" ).

Reviewing Isaiah 17:1 - 14.
I see the passage does tell us Damascus will be destroyed and no longer exist 
( which has not happened yet ).
I must conclude that,
"his" dream was not about the War ( destruction of Damascus, as it still stands in 2023),
or perhaps the dream was NOT actually
a revelation from God.
I reference here the Sources 
when He posted this in 2021, 
and when his widow reposted it in 2023.

First reference:
and again,reposted by his wife in early 2023,
I don't agree with some of the other "prerequisites" listed by him in his article, but I will not take the time to get into them here.

* Continuing on....

A very large book could be written about the many predictions
 of when Christ would return that did not come true. 

I have only tried to share some of the more well known,
or more recent predictions.

After reading various End Times authors that have written in the last 200 years,
I can truly say that it's in our nature
to want to make the scriptures "fit" in such a way
as to have Christ's return
to happen within one's own lifetime.

As most writers I've read felt very strongly the Return of Christ had to be soon,
based on what they understood and the condition of the world in their day.

Unfortunately the conditions of this world have only continued to "devolve"
into a godless society that worships themselves and not the creator.
And it will likely get a lot worse
before it gets better
( at the Return of Jesus Christ ).

And since I am sure the "Rapture" comes at the end of the Tribulation period
( several other posts go into the reasons for my coming to this conclusion ),
I am grateful knowing that the wrath of God is clearly directed to those who receive the mark of the beast, and God has shown us He is perfectly capable of protecting His people.
Examples would be the plagues of  Egypt where the last 7 of the 10 plagues did not effect the children of Israel. And in Ezekiel 9:3-7 we see those previously marked by God being spared the wrath that took the lives of the others in Jerusalem.

***** But getting back to the subject of Date Setting...
I do find myself doing the same thing here in a BLOG post from October 2011,

In this long post, ( which is also a Youtube Video )

End Time Thoughts and Theories : Summary of My Current Understanding

I have a section where I discuss the theory of time allotted
 to Mankind and the current Heaven & Earth to only last 7,000 years.

This is usually called the Millenial Day Theory 
the Sabbath Millennium Theory.

I've quoted myself below,
But I have tried to make several improvements
on what I originally wrote almost 12 years ago ( in 2011 ).
I removed a few things, and expanded on a few things.

 Simply put,
it would mean that Christ would return at the end of 6,000 years of human history, 
And that His Second Coming would be 2,000 years after He ascended from the Mount of Olives in Acts chapter 1 verses 6-11.
And possibly exactly 2,000 years from that event.
It occurred a little over 40 days after the Passover, 
and a few days before Pentecost.

What scripture supports this kind of theory?

None do specifially. It is only be inferring from a few passages.

Basically the theory or interpretation is:

That 6000 years would be for the "rule" of Man,
and 1,000 years for the Kingdom of God on Earth?
Or 1 week of 7 days,
with each "day" lasting a millennium ( or 1,000 years ),
with the 7th day,
The final 1,000 years
being equated to the Sabbath day,
or 7th year of Jubilee?

We see the 7th part as holy and special in the Law, 
Leviticus chapter 23, The 7th Day and 7th Month are special times to be observed by Israel.
Also in 
Deuteronomy chapter 16,
Exodus chapter 23 verses 10-17
So the THEORY involves the amount of  time since Creation
and the time since Jesus Christ ascended
into the heavens in Acts chapter 1.

If there is a PATTERN that God wants us to "see",
It could be pointing towards the return of Christ
at the end of the "Sixth" Day,
6,000 years from the Creation of the world.
With the 7th Day
( 1,000 years )
being the "Sabbath"
or millenium kingdom
when Jesus Christ rules and reigns on the earth. 
this pattern would have His return coming on the "Third" Day
( after 2 days or 2,000 years ).

During my research on this,
I only found a few verses of any merit 
that are used to support this THEORY:

Hosea 6:2 
"After two days He will bring us to life: 
in the third day He will raise us up, 
and we shall live in His sight."
Psalm 90:4 
"For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or a watch in the night."
II Peter 3:7,8
 "...with the Lord one day is like a thousand years..."
Revelation 20:6 ...reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
So the idea we might surmise from this would be
that the Return of Christ is to occur
approximately 2,000 years after He left is,
2 days ( 2,000 years ), 
and return the 3rd day 
( being the 1,000 year kingdom ).

Some also like to say there is a possible "picture" of God's master plan
To be found in 
Exodus chapter 19 and verses 15-17,

When the Lord God appeared to the Israelites at Mount Sinai they were told,

Verse 15 ( be ready for the 3rd day ),
Verse 16 ( voice of trumpet ), 
Verse 17 ( meet with God )...

Others teach / believe
there could be some significants to
 Matthew chapter 16 verse 28
and chapter 17 verse 2

"...six days later...He was transfigured before them..."

Requires that one "read into" these verses,
And none clearly spell out or prove the Theory.
Remember it's a man made theory.

It makes sense to say
approximately 2,000 years,
as Jesus himself said in
Matthew 24:22 
"And unless those days have been cut short, no flesh would have been saved;
but for the sake of the chosen ones those days shall be cut short."
Most Bible scholars agree the Earth was created around 4,004 B.C. 
( plus or minus a few years ).

So, Why hasn't the 6,000 years "expired"?

It could very well be the inability to accurately determine 
when the "Beginning" was
by piecing together the many genealogies 
and the length of all the historical periods 
recorded in the Old Testament.
Many have tried, 
and they have come up with a differing number of years.

Another explanation why the 6,000 years has not yet expired 
( as of early 2023 )
is that the "Rule of Man" did not start 
until Adam and Eve sinned, 
and they were put out of the Garden of Eden.
But I have not found any scripture to support this explanation.
Calling a period of time the "Rule of Man" is entirely speculation 
and not a doctrine taught in the Bible.
What it all comes down to is...

We have two points of reference 
we could be used to determine 
Jesus Christ is likely to return 
and set up His Kingdom for 1,000 years.

1 ) Is 6,000 years from Creation 
( or the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden ),


2 ) Is 2,000 years from when Jesus Christ "left" 
and before his "return".

If we can count forward from both the "fall of man"  25 - 35 years after creation. 

NOTE: This is only a number I picked 
to fit with Christ's ministry being 4,000 years later,
and with His accession being 
sometime around 30 - 34 A.D. or 4,000 years later. 
It could be much less, or several decades longer, 
but it had to be well before Seth was born
when Adam was 130 years old 
and out of the Garden for some time.
( Note: The Bible does not tell us how old Adam and Eve were
when they were removed from the Garden of Eden ).

And if this theory was valid,
this could align with the date of the Crucification of Christ.
Possible Dates Include but not limited to:

A ) Passover, 30 A.D. on a Thursday afternoon 
( Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones,
in his book
"The Chronology of the Old Testament" ), 


B ) 33 A.D. on Friday afternoon 
( Bishop James Ussher's date in Annals of the World )
Unfortunately there is a lot of different possibilities that historians have come up with when it comes to either the Birth of Christ or the year of His crucifiction.
I've spent many hours researching this topic, 
and I'm still praying for God to show me who's conclusions are valid,
and how all the pieces of this puzzle fit together.
And at the same time,
remembering to rely upon the Bible as the ultimate authority.

you would
ADD 2,000 years to determine the "end of the 6th day" 
and the beginning of the "7th day"
( the 1,000 year Kingdom ). 

But not being sure of the exact year of creation 
what year He ascended into Heaven,
if this "theory" actually means anything,
it would be unwise to predict what year that Christ might return.

The Bible is pretty clear that the current heavens and earth
 will be destroyed at the end of the 1,000 year Kingdom,
which could be
 after the 7,000 years have passed from the beginning.

Thus the WEEK of time
for the Earth
and Mankind as we know it 
would come to an end.

We are to be looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth 
( see: 
II Peter 3:10 -13, 
Revelation chapter 21 ).

Remember we do not / 
can not know the Date, 
these theories have a lot of "wiggle room" 
when it comes to exact YEARS to use in making a calculation,
even if the 7 days ( 7,000 years ) 
are a "picture" of God's plan for this Earth and mankind.

The time of the Tribulation,
the rule of the antichrist and the beast,
is "likely" to begin 3 1/2 years earlier.

* Until then,
it is 
Too early
to "know". 

Once the antichrist is in power, 
and we see the 2 witnesses of God on the scene, 
and the events of the 6th Seal coming to pass,
then we can start counting the days until Christ's Return.

Again, as there are several "variables"
and some lack of certainty in exact dates,
ANY "date" calculation
could vary by several years more or less.
And it's only a theory "pieced together" from a handful of scriptures,
and making assumptions about God's overall plan for mankind.
So, you won't find me Setting a Date.

It seems to be human nature 
to try to force the "facts" 
to have Christ's return 
to occur in one's own life time.
I've seen this often in books written in the past,
who's authors are long dead and buried.
I am confident
that there will be no "secret" rapture of the church.
And that our meeting the Lord in the air
will not occur 
until He returns to set up His Kingdom.

Until then,
we are to remain Alert and be Watching
the events in Daniel and Revelation to begin to come to pass.
And only then can you know
that our Lord's return is very near.
If you are living through these times,
and are a true believer, 
you should be able to recognize the "signs of the times" 
( Matthew 16:2,3   ) 
and the "parable of the fig tree" 
( Matthew 24:32,33 ).

And even though we can not know the "day or hour",
we should be able to know and recognize
when we are in the midst of this prophetic time.
We Read in I Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1 - 11 ;

The Day of the Lord

1 Now as to the times and the epochsbrethren,
you have no need of anything to be written to you.
For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.
While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" 
then destruction will come upon them 
suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child,
and they will not escape.
But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief;
for you are all sons of light and sons of day.
We are not of night nor of darkness;
so then let us not sleep as others do,
but let us be alert and sober.
For those who sleep 
do their sleeping at night,
and those who get drunk 
get drunk at night.
But since we are of the day,
let us be sober,
having put on the breastplate of faith and love,
and as a helmet,
the hope of salvation.
For God has not destined us for wrath,
but for obtaining salvation 
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 who died for us, 
so that whether we are awake or asleep,
we will live together with Him.
11 Therefore encourage one another 
and build up one another
just as you also are doing.
Luke 21:28 we read;
"But when these things begin to take place,
straighten up
and lift up your heads,
because your redemption is drawing near."

For now,
I will continue to be
"looking for the blessed hope 
and that appearing of the glory of the great God
and our Savior, Jesus Christ,"
( Titus 2:13 )


 For MORE on End Times,
* Reference details in Blog Post: 
The 3 1/2 year Tribulation ( 42 months ) 1290 Days - 1260 Days = 30 days left for the 7th Trumpet ( 3rd woe ) - Final 7 Plagues = 7 ( Vials ) Bowls of Wrath

*Reference details in Blog Post:

Rapture - When - Two Clear Passages from Scripture

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