Saturday, December 23, 2023

Standing at the End of the Tribulation - at the Rapture

What does it mean in Luke 21:36 
to "Stand before the Son of Man",
and how is this accomplished?
Let's look at several passages of scripture, 
to gain a better understanding,
and to be READY for the coming of Jesus Christ!
Standing before the Lord upon His return 
is referenced in several places.
I'd like to start with Revelation 
chapter 6 and verse 12

I looked when He broke the sixth seal, 
and there was a great earthquake; 
and the sun became black as sackcloth 
made of hair, 
and the whole moon became like blood; 

And reading on, 
we see in verse 17

for the great day of their wrath has come, 
and who is able to stand?"

Now let's look closer at Luke chapter 21.
Verse 25 through 28

"There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, 
and on the earth dismay among nations, 
in perplexity 
at the roaring of the sea and the waves, 
men fainting from fear 
and the expectation of the things 
which are coming upon the world;
for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 
Then they will see 
the Son of Man coming in a cloud 
with power and great glory. 
But when these things begin to take place, 
straighten up 
and lift up your heads, 
because your redemption is drawing near."

Jesus admonishes us further 
in Verses 34 through 36.

Be on guard, 
so that your hearts will not be weighted down 
with dissipation 
and drunkenness 
and the worries of life, 
and that day will not come on you 
suddenly like a trap; 
for it will come 
upon all those who dwell 
on the face 
of all the earth. 
But keep on the alert at all times, 
praying that you may have strength 
to escape all these things 
that are about to take place, 
to stand before the Son of Man."

I would like to suggest
that to "Stand before the Son of Man",
is a result of having faith and not fear.
And being faithful or obedient 
until He visibly appears 
as stated in Luke 21:27

"And then will they see the Son Of Man Coming In A Cloud 
with power and great glory." 

The ability to stand firm 
comes from the Lord, 
but also requires some effort on our part,
as spelled out
in Ephesians chapter 6 
verses 11 through 14

Put on the full armor of God, 
so that you will be able to stand firm 
against the schemes of the devil. 
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, 
but against the rulers, 
against the powers, 
against the world forces 
of this darkness, 
against the spiritual forces 
of wickedness 
in the heavenly places. 
take up the full armor of God, 
so that you will be able to 
resist in the evil day, 
and having done everything, 
to stand firm.
Stand firm therefore, 
having girded your loins with truth
having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

Now let's take a look at two scriptures 
that encourage believers 
to be faithful 
( and therefore able to stand ),
at the return of Jesus Christ.

In 1st John chapter 2 
and verse 28 we read,

Now, little children, abide in Him, 
so that when He appears, 
we may have confidence 
not shrink away from Him in shame 
at His coming.

To have confidence 
we must have a close and settled union with Christ,
we are not going to be standing at His Coming.

We will be falling to our knees 
or face down on the ground,
because we will be overwhelmed 
with feelings of shame,
realizing we had not been walking in faith
before His return.

We still are "saved", 
since our standing as children of God 
( who possess eternal life ) 
is not related to our faithfulness,
but to His.

How one is saved, 
and why they can't lose that salvation 
is covered in several other posts 
in my blog and youtube channel.

I would like to close with Paul's words
in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 
verses 23 and 24,

Now may the God of peace 
Himself sanctify you entirely; 
and may your spirit and soul and body 
be preserved complete, 
without blame 
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Faithful is He who calls you, 
and He also will bring it to pass.

Youtube version =
Saved by Grace,
Andrew Cross

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, 
but exhorting one another, 
and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25

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