* Thanks, for your comments. I really appreciate your caring enough to write.
Here is a brief reply, attempting to address your concerns, and to clarify my thoughts on the matter.
Why is a good question. Why do you have to be as certain about the exact timing of the Rapture as you are about other issues in Scripture such as the deity of Christ for example. Do all doctrines need to be held with the same amount of zeal and conviction? Are not some worthy to die for and others merely your best understanding at this time?
I believe we are instructed to learn and understand as much as we can about all things God has in His Word.
And while the "exact timing" may not be knowable, I believe more attention needs to be given to the subject of Eschatology.
I Thess: 5:19-22 "...But examine everything carefully, hold fast to that which is good;..."
II Tim. 2:14-26 "Be diligent...accurately handling the word of truth...correct those who are in opposition..."
I Peter 2:2 "...milk of the word..."
I Peter 3:15 "...ready to make a defense to everyone...for the hope that is in you..."
Hebrews 5:11- 6:1 Going beyond milk and the elementary teaching.
*** I need to go beyond the "milk" that I understand, and that is the basis of most preaching done in churches today.
I feel I know enough about and understand the "why" and "how" of Salvation by Grace through Faith, and the Trinity that is our God.
And many other basic principles I could show some one in the Word, but various verses on the "end" or the "return" or the "appearing" need more study on my part.
I need solid food.
*** Can we know the end is near or how it will unfold? I believe there are a lot of scriptures on the matter, and it is worthy of study.
Hebrews 10:25, "...assemble...exhorting...AS YE SEE THE DAY APPROACHING."
Matt. 25:4 - 9 "wise" virgins were ready and not surprised
I Thess. 5:4 we "are not in darkness that the day should overtake you like a thief"
Dan. 12:10 " the wise shall understand"
Matt: 24:32-34 Parable of the Fig Tree
Luke 12:54 - 57 when you see a cloud you know it's going to rain, or when the wind blows..... "do you not analyze this present time?"
I John 2:27 "...His anointing teaches you about all things..."
Is it not possible that two good men like Ladd and Walvoord might each have a theory but since the Bible does not specifically state the timing of the Rapture, but only hints at it, is it not most important simply to be looking for the blessed hope instead of determining when it will come?
* The answer is really in your question ... "Looking for the Blessed Hope".
* Who is looking? Who should be looking? What should we be looking for?
* What do I give as an answer to the questions,
What is the Blessed Hope? When is the Blessed Hope? When is Jesus Christ returning? How do you know?
* All these answers are in the Word of God, and we are children of Light. We should know and see these things.
I fear too much energy may be spent on trying to specify more than the Bible does.
I fear too much energy may be spent on trying to specify more than the Bible does.
* The foundational truths, and the milk of the Word are of foremost importance.
I just need to move past these. My desire is to know and understand the Lord. I believe He wants us to understand more than we do.
He has given us the Word and all the pieces of the puzzle may not come together until we are "face to face", but I believe He wants us to know about Him, His love, and His plan.
It is in my heart to know His plan. So, I study His Word, and I study those who have taken the time to work on the same puzzles. Trying to build on their work. To continue putting the puzzle together.
The more I understand Who God is, what He has created, and His loving plan for "the elect", the more I love Him. The more faith I have to proclaim Him. The better ambassador I can be for Him.
** Also, some of the pieces of the puzzle point towards the return at the end of the "Sixth" Day ( 6,000 years ) from the Creation of the world.
With the 7th Day ( 1,000 years ) being the "Sabbath" or millenium kingdom when Jesus Christ rules and reigns on the earth.
Hosea 6:2 "After two days He will bring us to life: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight."
Exodus 19:10,11 "...the third day the Lord will come down"
II Peter 3:7,8 "...with the Lord one day is like a thousand years..."
Psalm 90:4 "For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or a watch in the night."
Luke 10:35 Good Samaritan left for 2 days worth of money and then he will RETURN
Job 5:19 "From six troubles He will deliver you, Even in seven evil will not touch you."
* Yeah, I know I may be stretching this verse too far, but many are just examples of the pattern of 6 and then 7th, or 2 then the 3rd.
Exodus 24:15,16 "... six days, and the seventh day..."
Matthew 16:28-17:2 "...six days later...He was transfigured before them..."
If the Rapture does not occur before the Tribulation Period, I'd like to know this. If it comes first, then it won't matter much to me, only to those left behind. Either way, I want to help get the message out to the "brethren" who may be caught off guard by the Tribulation and the appearance of the anti-Christ, or to leave information for those who must enter the Tribulation after I am gone.
Food for thought
Food for thought
* Thank you, it was delicious!!!!
It got me to put a bunch of my notes into written form. And as time permits, I hope to expand on these and add to them.