I've always been fascinated by prophecy, and I have always "studied" it. Lately ( the past year or so ) I've been very focused and have read ( and listened and watched ) much on the subject.
I was taught one view, and I have been "testing" that view against the Scriptures, and what other people have concluded.
HISTORY of most popular Doctrines:
One of the surprising thing I found was that most of the books published in the last 200 years have shared a similar view. This view appears to be "recycled" over and over again. Each writer adding little, but updating a thing or two for his current generation. I've found the "source" to be John Nelsen Darby. I have not read his writings yet, but I have read about him. He seems to be a solid Biblical Scholar and Teacher. His Bible study group blossomed into the "Plymouth Brethren" denomination we have today. He taught in Europe and made two trips to the USA. He also published a translation of the Bible ( Darby Bible ). I haven't looked at that yet either. I have read some of his Bible commentary on "key" passages, as it is built into the e-Sword Bible program I have on the computer.
The teaching continued to spread and perhaps be "clarified" by Cyrus I. Scofield ( Scofield Reference Bible ), Lewis Chafer ( Founding President of Dallas Theological Seminary ), John Walvoord, Charles Ryrie ( Ryrie Study Bible ), Henry Allen "Harry" Ironside, Clarence Larkin, and more recently, Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye ( Left Behind books and movies ). At a later time, I hope to write about the differences and similarities of each man's writings on the subject of Eschatology. I.E. = what they said concerning the facts pertaining to "last things" including the return of Christ, the Great Tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom, the resurrection, the future judgments and the eternal state of both the just and the unjust.
Most Popular View:
1 ) We are in the "Church Age" ( term not found in the Bible )
2 ) Christ will remove ( Rapture ) all believers from Earth before a 7 year Tribulation Period begins
3 ) Anti-Christ will be a great world leader and the Beast will perform many signs and wonders to fool the world
4 ) The "wrath of God", as explained in detail in the Book of Revelation ( with references in other parts of the Bible too ), will come upon the Earth and all of Mankind.
Most will suffer and then die.
5 ) Jesus Christ returns after about 7 years ( "days" to be shortened ) and destroys his enemies, and locks up Satan for 1,000 years.
6 ) Jesus Christ and the "saints" ( resurrected believers ) who have returned with Him, will rule and reign on the Earth for 1,000 years.
7 ) At the end of the 1,000 year ( Millennium ) Kingdom, Satan is let loose. He finds many people willing to follow his lead to one last battle.
8 ) Christ easily defeats all His enemies again.
9 ) A great judgment occurs. Satan thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
10 ) New Heavens and New Earth created. New "city" Jerusalem.
When ?
Several theories have developed as to when these events might take place. And there is some division on when the "Rapture" ( term not found in the Bible ) is to occur.
Each preacher and writer has presented a case for the "end" to occur in their life time. Pointing to various "signs of the times" to give credence to their view.
* Books:
One of the more interesting books I've read was written by some one in Venice, FL. Mark A. Barclay. He owns Barclay's Pharmacy on Venice Island. I found his book in the Venice Library, and then bought a copy at the Pharmacy ( so I could make notes in it ). The book takes most of the "current" and "popular" teaches and adds some "date theory". He is not dogmatic about it, but he does present information to support a view that the Rapture or the Beginning of the Tribulation period could begin in 2026 A.D. I do not agree with many things in the book, but the information, ideas, and theories are thought provoking. The book is called "The Wrath of Almighty God! 2026 A.D." and was self published ( Barclay Publishing ). I believe the book is worth reading because it does cover a lot of material about Bible chronology, using the scriptures and calendars to show a plan of God's time table for Man. It does draw a lot on previous authors ( Clarence Larkin is one of his main references ), but it is fresher and easier to read since it was written in modern times ( copyright 2000 ).
The Second book I'd like to mention is a much more scholarly work by a professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, George Eldon Ladd ( 1911-1982 ).
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Eldon_Ladd
He has written several books, but the one I found at the Barclay Pharmacy ( they had several books on End Times Prophecy for sale ), was "The Blessed Hope", published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, copyright 1956.
I have found his book very enlightening. It is subtitled, "A Biblical Study of the Second Advent and the Rapture". He is very thorough in this study. He explains in great detail and with abundant references the history of thought ( and writings ) about the Return of Christ, the Rapture, the Tribulation, and Millennium Kingdom to come. He is of the belief that there is no "secret rapture" of the Church before the Tribulation Period. He presents all the Biblical texts used to support a "Rapture" and explains using scripture why he believes too much is "read into" certain passages. He also presents clear scripture passages that would be in contradiction to a pretribulation "coming" of Jesus for just the Church.
His writings currently have me persuaded that his view that there is only "one" second coming of Jesus Christ, and the meeting with Him in the air will occur upon His return to Rule and Reign at the end of the Tribulation and the beginning of the Millennium Kingdom.
I would recommend anyone who is seriously interested in this subject to read this book. It covers everything I've ever heard and much I had never heard. There is no argument for or against the Rapture that he does not discuss in his book.
As with just about any book these days, you can find many used copies for sale on the Internet.