Sunday, October 6, 2024

Learning to appropriate the power of God

Think about the words Paul used to describe a believer's life in Christ:

• "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6).

• "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21).

• "When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory" (Colossians 3:4).

These statements form a foundation for understanding grace as a product of our new birth in Christ. 

He lives in us to enable us to do what He has commanded us to do. 

Previously I was under the law and condemned by it, but now I'm no longer under the law. 

I'm under grace [Rom. 6:14]. Christ lives in me. 

He enables me to do what He has commanded me to do.

A believer has to grasp this concept if he is to ever become mature in the Lord. 

He has to come to the end of himself 

and start realizing what he can't do before he can grasp what God can do in and through him. 

This teaching isn't just another step-by-step process that promises instant maturity, 

but an encouragement for believers to see their relationship with the Lord in a new way.

The Christ life is not merely trying some new plan for spiritual growth; 

it is learning to live out of His power. 

It is learning to appropriate the power of God and put it to use for His glory.


* Quoted from:

Wayne Barber with Chip MacGregor, Living Daily in God's Grace (ATRI Publishing, 2012), 13,14. Previously published as The Rest of Grace by Harvest House Publishers, 1998. The free PDF ebook is online and downloadable here.

Saved by Grace,
Andrew Cross

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, 
but exhorting one another, 
and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Practical Verses for dealing with "trials". reference: Hurricane Helene

New Hurricane / Storm Surge threat is giving me a chance to "practice" this truth from James ( 1:2-5 )

Profiting from Trials

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 

knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. 

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Saved by Grace,
Andrew Cross

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, 
but exhorting one another, 
and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Reasons 7 of 7 = Logistics of the End Times Events

If the Rapture occurs at 
the End of the Great Tribulation,
the Believers are all transformed
at that time,
Who goes physically 
into the 1,000 year kingdom?

And Who are the people 
that are gathered and divided 
in Matthew 25,
where we see 
the separation of the Sheep 
and the Goats?

Today I'll do my best to 
provide some insight into 
the Logistics 
of the End Time Events.
The Who 
and When 
of things yet to come.

This is the 7th 
and final installment
of the 7 Reasons for a Pre-trib Rapture,
as proposed by David Floyd.
Which he states as
"a logistical difficulty 
in reconciling 
a Post-Tribulation Rapture 
with the return of Christ 
if the Church is raptured 
and returns immediately."

We will look at his 3 points of Scripture,
and I will explain why I believe 
a Post-Tribulation Rapture makes sense. 
And WHO enters the Kingdom 
after Jesus returns.

Point # 1 is:

Matthew 25:31-46**: 
The separation of the sheep and goats 
different groups of people 
at Christ's return. 
Living at Christ's second coming. 
No one left to repopulate Earth 
during the millennium 
if all believers are Raptured 
at the end.

To understand 
the when and the who
of the End times,
We have to piece together 
related passages in both 
the Old and New Testaments.

When it comes to a dividing of people
after Jesus comes back 
The two passages 
most often referenced are:
chapter 25:31-46 
( dividing the Sheep and the Goats ),
and Ezekiel 
chapter 20:34-44 
( the face to face judgement in the wilderness 
where the LORD purges the rebels ).
I'll quote and discuss these passages shortly.

Other similar passages can be found in 
Matthew 13:24-43 
( Parable of the Wheat and the Tares 
being separated at the end of the age )

Matthew 13:47-50 
( Parable of the Dragnet 
full of every kind of fish 
at the end of the age )

Ezekiel 34:17-31 
( The Lord judging 
and saving His Flock 
- dividing of the sheep )

Isaiah 27:12-13 
( The Lord will start his threshing 
and gather one by one )

Revelation 14:14-20 
( Two Reapings - 
Harvest of the Earth, 
and Wine Press - Wrath of God )

let's look at the most familiar passage 
on the subject of a gathering 
at the End of the Great Tribulation,
Found in 
Matthew chapter 24 verses 29-31,
We read,

after the tribulation of those days 
the sun will be darkened, 
and the moon will not give its light; 
the stars will fall from heaven, 
and the powers of the heavens 
will be shaken. 
Then the sign of the Son of Man 
will appear in heaven,
and then all the tribes of the earth 
will mourn, 
and they will see the Son of Man 
coming on the clouds of heaven 
with power and great glory. 
And He will send His angels 
with a great sound of a trumpet, 
and they will gather together His elect 
from the four winds, 
from one end of heaven to the other.

Some believe the Elect are only Jews,
but it does not say that here.
And we see the term Elect 
used to describe the believers 
who are part of the Church 
in other passages.
Such as 
Colossians chapter 3 verse 12
as the elect of God, 
holy and beloved

For more on the subject of exactly 
who the Elect are,
please see the previous video and post,
The Rapture of the Elect
Blog post =

The first point I want to mention is
it says the return of Christ is 
visible to everyone.
And many will be mourning 
when they see Him.

It is possible that some of those
witnessing the glorious return of Christ 
will come to a saving faith 
at that time.

While the majority of the world 
will be in rebellion to the truth,
to the bitter end.
We see references in scripture
of a "remnant" 
that will be saved.

Romans 9:27 
Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel:
Though the number of the children of Israel 
be as the sand of the sea,
The remnant will be saved.

Romans 11:5
Even so then, at this present time 
there is a remnant 
according to the election of grace.
Jeremiah 50:20
In those days and in that time," 
says the Lord,
"The iniquity of Israel shall be sought, 
but there shall be none;
And the sins of Judah, 
but they shall not be found;
For I will pardon those 
whom I preserve.

The majority of unbelievers will perish 
during the time of the Great Tribulation,
and when the 7 bowls of wrath are poured out,
after the 7th and final trumpet is blown.
But clearly not all.

We see the Lord gathering 
and judging those who are still alive.

But before that happens, 
we are told that at the last trumpet,
The dead believers are to be resurrected 
and those who are alive 
shall be changed.
1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 51 and 52

Behold, I tell you a mystery: 
We shall not all sleep, 
but we shall all be changed— 
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, 
at the last trumpet. 
For the trumpet will sound, 
and the dead will be raised incorruptible, 
and we shall be changed.

The dead are to be resurrected 
upon the return of Jesus.
And those who are "alive and remain" 
are to be transformed
as they meet the Lord in the air, 
on His way down to the mount of Olives
in Jerusalem.
A parallel passage would be: 
1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 -17

 For the Lord Himself 
will descend from heaven 
with a shout, 
with the voice of an archangel, 
and with the trumpet of God. 
And the dead in Christ 
will rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain 
shall be caught up 
together with them 
in the clouds 
to meet the Lord in the air. 
And thus we shall always be 
with the Lord. 

This resurrection is called 
the First Resurrection.
And it includes those who are 
martyred by the beast,
so this has to be an event 
after the Great Tribulation.
Revelation chapter 20 verses 4 - 6
And I saw thrones, 
and they sat on them, 
and judgment was committed to them. 
Then I saw the souls of those 
who had been beheaded 
for their witness to Jesus 
and for the word of God, 
who had not worshiped the beast 
or his image, 
and had not received his mark 
on their foreheads 
or on their hands. 
And they lived 
and reigned with Christ 
for a thousand years. 
But the rest of the dead 
did not live again until 
the thousand years were finished. 
This is the first resurrection. 
Blessed and holy 
is he who has part 
in the first resurrection. 
Over such 
the second death has no power, 
but they shall be priests 
of God and of Christ, 
and shall reign with Him 
a thousand years.

The timing of this Resurrection
is one of the strongest proofs 
that the Rapture occurs 
at the end of the Great Tribulation,
and not before.

So if the resurrection 
and the transformation 
of the living believers 
occurs at the end of the Great Tribulation 
 - at the return of Christ.
Then who are the two groups 
that get divided after Jesus returns.
I have already referenced several places 
where this is mentioned in the scriptures.
Again, most notable are 
in Matthew 25:31-46
and in Ezekiel 34:17-31
Where we see a dividing 
of the sheeps and the goats mentioned.
This would be the remnant 
that is still alive,
but who were not transformed 
at the return of Jesus Christ.
( when the rapture 
or gathering of the Elect occurs ).

Those selected to enter the kingdom
would be the few that had not believed,
prior to the return of Christ,
who also refused 
the mark of the beast.
And they would have come to a saving faith 
upon seeing the Lord of Lord,
and King of Kings return to Jerusalem.

Jesus will divide those remaining alive 
soon after His physical return to Earth.
Not all those remaining will believe 
or be spared by the Lord.
Only those whose names are 
written in the book of life.
Revelation 17:8
And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, 
whose names are 
not written in the Book of Life 
from the foundation of the world, 
when they see the beast that was, 
and is not, 
and yet is.

No matter at what age or time you trust 
in Jesus as God Who Saves,
your name is already written in the Book of Life,
because God can't help but know who will believe.

So, there can be people who are "late" in believing,
but since they are part of those 
written in the Book of Life,
they can be spared the complete delusion 
that will befall most of the world 
when the beast and the false prophet 
come on the scene.

Seems like most are going to be fooled,
and take the mark of the beast,
believing the lie.
As we read in 
2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 9 - 12

The coming 
of the lawless one 
is according to 
the working of Satan, 
with all power, signs, 
and lying wonders,  
and with all unrighteous deception 
among those who perish, 
because they did not receive 
the love of the truth, 
that they might be saved. 
And for this reason 
God will send them strong delusion, 
that they should believe the lie, 
that they all may be condemned 
who did not believe the truth 
but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

"those who perish" 
are the ones 
"who did not believe the truth
but had pleasure in unrighteousness".

We see that some survivors 
are chosen by the Lord,
to repopulate the planet 
during the 1,000 year reign of Christ.
And those of us that are to be resurrected 
and transformed at His return 
will have glorified spiritual 
- incorruptible bodies.
No longer subject to death.
I Corinthians 15:44

 It is sown a natural body, 
it is raised a spiritual body. 
There is a natural body, 
and there is a spiritual body. 

This is part of the promised 
First Resurrection mentioned in 
Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 - 6
we read earlier.

Okay, I have stated my theory on 
Who is Who.
Now let's look at 
the Sheep and Goats passage
found in Matthew chapter 25:31-46
It says,

When the Son of Man 
comes in His glory,
and all the holy angels 
with Him, 
then He will sit on the throne 
of His glory.
All the nations will be gathered 
before Him, 
and He will separate them 
one from another, 
as a shepherd divides 
his sheep from the goats. 
And He will set the sheep 
on His right hand, 
but the goats 
on the left. 
Then the King will say 
to those on His right hand, 
'Come, you blessed of My Father, 
inherit the kingdom 
prepared for you
 from the foundation 
of the world: 
for I was hungry 
and you gave Me food; 
I was thirsty 
and you gave Me drink; 
I was a stranger 
and you took Me in; 
was naked 
and you clothed Me; 
I was sick 
and you visited Me; 
I was in prison 
and you came to Me.

In Verses 37 - 39,
They Ask - 
when did we do these things?

Reading in verse 40 we see:

And the King will answer 
and say to them, 
'Assuredly, I say to you, 
inasmuch as you did it 
to one of the least 
of these My brethren, 
you did it to Me

The outcome of the rest is found in verse 41,

Then He will also say 
to those on the left hand, 
'Depart from Me, 
you cursed, 
into the everlasting fire 
prepared for the devil 
and his angels: 

Verse 46,
And these will go away 
into everlasting punishment, 
but the righteous 
into eternal life."

Now you might be thinking
"who" are the brethren 
Jesus was referring to?
I would propose 
they are the resurrected 
and transformed believers 
that meet the Lord in the air 
on His way down to rule and reign.
Those believers lived 
( or perhaps were martyred ) 
during the difficult 3 1/2 years 
of the reign of the beast.
This would be the Elect 
mentioned in Matthew 24:31,
and those mentioned 
in 1 Corinthians 15:52 
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, 
at the last trumpet. 
For the trumpet will sound, 
and the dead will be raised incorruptible, 
and we shall be changed.

AND 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

Then we who are alive and remain 
shall be caught up together 
with them in the clouds 
to meet the Lord in the air. 
And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

I would like to point out,
as I've done in other posts,
The return of Christ is to occur 
at the Mount of Olives.
See Acts chapter 1 
and Zechariah 14:4 

Our meeting Him on His way 
down to earth would be a commonly understood 
practice of the inhabitants of a city 
coming out to meet 
an arriving dignitary.
Please check out this previous Post 
and Video for more details.
The Rapture - Meeting the Lord on His way down to Earth

Now let's take a closer look at 
a passage from the Old Testament.
Which is Ezekiel 
chapter 20 verses 34-44
Let's look specifically 
at Verses 34 - 38

I will bring you out 
from the peoples 
and gather you out 
of the countries 
where you are scattered, 
with a mighty hand, 
with an outstretched arm, 
and with fury poured out. 
And I will bring you into 
the wilderness of the peoples, 
and there I will plead My case 
with you face to face. 
Just as I pleaded My case 
with your fathers in the wilderness 
of the land of Egypt, 
so I will plead My case with you," 
says the Lord God.
I will make you pass under the rod,
and I will bring you into 
the bond of the covenant;
I will purge the rebels 
from among you, 
and those who transgress against Me; 
I will bring them out of the country 
where they dwell, 
but they shall not 
enter the land of Israel. 
Then you will know 
that I am the Lord.

This promise might be one of the passages 
Paul was thinking about 
when he wrote "thus all Israel will be saved".
Romans chapter 11 verse 26 and 27,
we read,
And so all Israel will be saved, 
as it is written:
The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away 
ungodliness from Jacob;
For this is My covenant with them,
When I take away their sins.

We see in Ezekiel chapter 20  and chapter 34 
both a gathering and a division 
similar to Matthew 25 
with the sheeps and the goats.
However, don't forget that Matthew 25 says
All the nations will be gathered 
before Him, 
and He will separate them 
one from another

This could either include the Jews,
or the Jews get their own 
separate judgement - 
division of those still alive.

The Remnant 
- are to be divided.
Some are going to enter the kingdom, 
and some will be excluded.

There is no need to say 
the Rapture of believers 
must occur before 
the time of the Great Tribulation,
In order for this gathering 
and dividing to occur.
The remnant can be those who "mourn" 
upon seeing Jesus Christ 
actually return as foretold.
We see this mourning referenced 
in several places.

Matthew 24:30, we read
Then the sign of the Son of Man 
will appear in heaven, 
and then all the tribes of the earth 
will mourn, 
and they will see the Son of Man 
coming on the clouds of heaven 
with power and great glory.

Revelation 1:7 we read
Behold, He is coming with clouds, 
and every eye will see Him, 
even they who pierced Him. 
And all the tribes of the earth 
will mourn because of Him. 
Even so, Amen.

Zechariah 12:10 we read
And I will pour on the house of David 
and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem 
the Spirit of grace and supplication; 
then they will look on Me 
whom they pierced. 
Yes, they will mourn for Him 
as one mourns for his only son, 
and grieve for Him 
as one grieves for a firstborn.

Ezekiel 36:31-33 we read

Then you will remember your evil ways 
and your deeds 
that were not good; 
and you will loathe yourselves 
in your own sight, 
for your iniquities 
and your abominations.
Not for your sake do I do this,
says the Lord God
"let it be known to you. 
Be ashamed and confounded 
for your own ways, 
O house of Israel!
Thus says the Lord God
"On the day 
that I cleanse you 
from all your iniquities, 
I will also enable you 
to dwell in the cities, 
and the ruins 
shall be rebuilt.

The Lord has shown us 
in many other passages,
that is He is both willing and able 
to keep a "remnant" that survives
times of His wrath.

Ezekiel 12:16 we read

But I will spare a few of their men 
from the sword, 
from famine, 
and from pestilence, 
that they may declare 
all their abominations 
among the Gentiles 
wherever they go. 
Then they shall know 
that I am the Lord."

Ezekiel 9:4 we read

and the Lord said to him, 
"Go through the midst of the city, 
through the midst of Jerusalem, 
and put a mark on the foreheads 
of the men who sigh and cry 
over all the abominations 
that are done within it."

I Kings 19:18 we read

Yet I have reserved 
seven thousand in Israel, 
all whose knees 
have not bowed to Baal, 
and every mouth 
that has not kissed him."

We could go on, 
but I hope you get the point 
I'm trying to make here.
Namely, we should never underestimate 
God's ability to protect or save 
those with whom 
He has found favor.

Now let's look at 
Point # 2 of Reason 7
Zechariah 14:5**: 
The Lord comes with His saints.

* Yes, 
He does come with His saints,
as we meet our descending Lord 
in the air 
on His way to earth,
before His feet touch the ground 
on the mount of olives 
just outside of Jerusalem. 
Not because we were Raptured 7 years earlier.

Point # 3 of Reason 7
Revelation 19:14**: 
The armies of heaven, 
including the Church, 
follow Christ at His second coming.

Typically the armies of God 
are referenced as His angels.
And we would be His "holy ones" 
or "saints that might be included.
1 Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 13
we read
so that He may establish your hearts 
blameless in holiness 
before our God and Father 
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 
with all His saints.

We don't need to be raptured 7 years earlier 
to be with the Lord 
at the time of His coming.
All we have to do is meet Him in the air 
on His way down.
As we see in 
1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Then we who are alive 
and remain 
shall be caught up together 
with them in the clouds 
to meet the Lord in the air. 
And thus we shall always be 
with the Lord.

I have discussed both points # 2 and # 3 
in more detail in the previous Post and Video 
Reason 4 - Absence of the Church in Revelation Chapters 4 - 19

Reason 7 has a concluding statement
which is,

These passages indicate a logistical difficulty 
in reconciling a Post-Tribulation Rapture 
with the return of Christ 
if the Church is raptured 
and returns immediately. 

I don't see the difficulty mentioned.
As the Rapture of the Church 
is not a removal to Heaven.
It NEVER says that in scripture.
It only states we will be transformed 
into spiritual and incorruptible bodies.
It says this happens 
at the same time 
as the Resurrection 
of those asleep in Christ,
and at the time of his coming.
Please review 
I Corinthians chapter 15 
I Thessalonians chapter 4,
both passages 
have been referenced in this post. 

I have tried to answer the question of
WHO is left 
to enter the kingdom in physical bodies.

Here is a brief summary
of what I currently believe
that we can expect to happen
and when.

1 ) 
A time of tribulation ( testing ) 
is coming upon the whole earth.
Reference: Luke 21:35 = 
For it will come as a snare 
on all those who 
dwell on the face 
of the whole earth.

2 ) 
Many will die 
( believers and unbelievers ) 
because of the wrath of Satan 
against the saints,
and God's 7 plagues 
upon the unbelievers
Revelation 6:8 = 
4th Seal mentions authority 
over a fourth of the earth to kill
Revelation 9:15 =
6th Trumpet = 
four angels kill a third of mankind
Revelation 15 & 16 =
And at the very end
we see 7 bowls of the wrath of God
primarily upon the men 
who had the mark of the beast 
and those who worshiped his image.

The wrath of God is never directed to the believers.
And He is quite capable to protect His saints,
as promised in 
1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 9 and 10

For God did not appoint us to wrath, 
but to obtain salvation 
through our Lord Jesus Christ, 
who died for us, 
that whether we wake or sleep, 
we should live together with Him.

3 ) 
When the Lord returns - 
There is a resurrection of those believers 
( old and new testament saints ),
and a transformation of those 
who are alive and remain.
John 11:25-26 = 
Jesus the resurrection and the life. 
I Corinthians 15:52
At the last trumpet the dead will be raised 
and we shall be changed.

4 ) 
All those who join the beast 
at the battle of Armageddon 
will be killed.
Revelation 19:19-21 
assembled armies 
killed by the sword of Jesus

5 ) 
After Christ has returned,
We see a judgement 
and a division is to occur 
involving those few people 
who are left alive.
Matthew 25:31-46 
also Ezekiel 34:17-31 
Dividing the Sheep and the Goats
Ezekiel 20:34-44 
Israel to be judged 
and rebels purged, 
and a time of loathing 
for previous evils 

6 ) 
Those who helped the believers 
( the Elect ) 
during the great tribulation, 
and who realized that Jesus is 
the returning promised Messiah,
will be allowed to enter the kingdom 
( and now have eternal life ). 
Those who rebelled 
and never believed, 
will be destroyed in the lake of fire.
Matthew 25:34 = 
inherit the kingdom prepared for you
Matthew 25:46 = 
but the righteous into eternal life

7 ) 
We, the believers 
( resurrected or transformed ) , 
are to rule and reign 
with Christ for 1,000 years.
Revelation 20:4-6 = 
they came to life 
and reigned with Christ 
for a thousand years.

8 ) 
After the 1,000 years, 
Satan is released 
to gather a large number of unbelievers 
who were born 
during the 1,000 year reign.
They attempt to fight against the Lord 
at Jerusalem. 
It fails - 
Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire.
Revelation 20:7-9 = 
- deceive the nations 
- gathered for the war 
- fire came down from heaven 
and devoured them

9 ) 
Then comes 
the great white throne judgement. 
All the unbelievers are raised 
to be judged by their deeds,
and if they are not written 
in the lamb's book of life 
( where all the believers' names are written )
The unbelievers are thrown 
into the Lake of Fire -
which is the Second Death.
Reference: Revelation 20:11-15 = 
This is the second death, 
the lake of fire. 
If anyone's name was not found 
written in the book of life, 
he was thrown into the lake of fire.

10 ) 
And we are promised a new heaven,
and a new earth, 
and the city of God, 
New Jerusalem 
as we move forward 
into the future with our God.
Revelation chapters 21 and 22.

The timeline and various events 
are like a puzzle,
and I don't want to pretend 
like I have it all figured out.

We are told in 
1 Thessalonians chapter 5, 
that we should not be confused 
if we are paying attention.
In Verses 1 - 6 we read
But concerning the times and the seasons,
brethren, you have no need 
that I should write to you. 
For you yourselves know perfectly 
that the day of the Lord 
so comes as a thief in the night. 
For when 
"Peace and safety!" 
then sudden destruction 
comes upon 
as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. 
shall not escape. 
But you, brethren, 
are not in darkness, 
so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 
You are all sons of light 
and sons of the day. 
We are not of the night 
nor of darkness. 
Therefore let us not sleep, 
as others do, 
but let us watch and be sober. 

I will provide LINKS to additional Blog Posts 
and Videos on this subject in the description below.
And I will combine this 7th Reason discussion
into a playlist covering all 7 parts 
of this series on the 
7 common Reasons 
that are taught to support 
a Pre-trib Rapture.

Thanks for making it to the end of this video,
please leave your comments below,
and click on the Like button,
to help others find this information.


Saved by Grace,
Andrew Cross

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, 
but exhorting one another, 
and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25